Monday 23 June 2008


Artist: Lyzanxia

Rock: Thrash



   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12

Anjou, France's Lyzanxia were founded in 1996 by the Potvin brothers, David (vocals, lead guitar) and Franck (vocals, rhythm method guitar), and by the following year, had a full-length demo (deceptively entitled Lullaby) in bridge player to sponsor to record labels. But there were as until now no takers for the band's services, so Lyzanxia continued functional on their personal brand of neo-thrash alloy laced with last and nu-metal tendencies until 2001, when Wagram Music agreed to freeing their second total album, Eden. This disc featured the musical rhythm section of Eguil Voisin (freshwater bass) and Gweltaz Kerjan (drums) and, like its 2003 successor, Mindcrimes, was directed by renowned Swedish producer Fredrik Nordström at Gothenburg's Studio Fredman. Excellent reviews and a ontogeny outside fan base permitted Lyzanxia to venture on their number 1 U.S. and Canadian duty tour in the fall of 2004, and a newfangled handle with Listenable Records finally sent the Potvins and their new rhythm division of Vincent Perdicaro (freshwater bass) and Clement Decrock (drums) game into the studio apartment to record their fourth album, UNSU.

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